Contact us
Whether you want to use maritime signal flags, carrier pigeons or something more modern like an email - we can't wait to hear from you.
Write to us at:
Jump Ship Brewing
Rosemains Steading
Call us on:
0131 510 1066
Email us at: or using the form below
Contact form
Flag Alphabet and Numerals
A - Alpha
Divers Down -
B - Bravo
I am taking in or discharging or carrying dangerous goods -
C - Charlie
Affirmative/Yes -
D - Delta
Keep Clear, I am manoeuvring with difficulty -
E - Echo
Altering course to starboard -
F - Foxtrot
I am disabled, please communicate -
G - Golf
I require a Pilot -
H - Hotel
I have a pilot on board -
I - India
I am altering course to port -
J - Juliet
I am on fire and have dangerous cargo aboard; keep well clear of me -
K -Kilo
I wish to communicate with you -
L - Lima
You should stop your vessel instantly -
M - Mike
My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water -
N - November
No (negative) -
O - Oscar
Man overboard -
P - Papa
All aboard, vessel is about to proceed to sea -
Q - Quebec
My vessel is healthy and I request free practique -
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
My engines are going full speed astern -
T - Tango
Keep clear of me I am engaged in pair trawling -
U - Uniform
You are running into danger -
V - Victor
Require assitance (not in distress) -
W - Whiskey
I require medical assistance -
X - X-ray
Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals -
Y - Yankee
I am carrying mail / dragging anchor -
Z - Zulu
I require a tug -